Products Application

Optical Products in Meteorology

Apr. 14, 2021

Observing the weather not only brings convenience to life, but also helps agriculture and the military industry to take timely measures to prevent losses caused by changes in weather. With the development of science technology and the needs of its application, ultraviolet technology and infrared technology are used to detect weather phenomena such as atmospheric water vapor, clouds, fine particles and so on.

Ultraviolet radiation meters measure the intensity of near-ultraviolet radiation on the earth's surface. Quartz domes or other optical domes are commonly used as protective covers to play a role in waterproofing, moisture protection and lightning protection. The optical filter used by the UV irradiometer filters stray light to ensure its working band. The visible infrared optical imaging remote sensor is used for the observation of the earth by meteorological satellites. The observation objects are atmospheric water vapor, clouds, earth’s surface and the optical characteristics of sea surfaces and  and thermal characteristics. Visibility meter is an important tool for measuring the degree of haze in the atmosphere. The optical lens reduces the divergence angle of the infrared beam and increases the energy volume density of the emitted beam. The optical lens is coated with anti-reflection coating to reduce the emission loss of transmitted light energy and improve the transmittance of the working spectral band. The filter filters out the scattered light to ensure the working band of the detector.

Optical lenses (especially convex lenses) and optical filters are often used for weather detection. The available optical materials are flint glass, quartz, silicon, etc. Optical lenses can be coated with single-layer magnesium fluoride anti-reflection coating, broadband anti-reflection coating, single-wavelength anti-reflection coating and dual-wavelength anti-reflection coating.